April 4, 2012
Danielle McNamara
 (510) 987-0230

Press Release


Dozens of middle and high school MESA teams put their web design skills to the test in a Microsoft contest.


Microsoft Bliink competition allows contestants to use Microsoft Studio Expressions design program to build their web sites. This is the third year the software giant has opened the competition to all California MESA schools after a pilot year in the LA area.


Teams are judged on creativity, organization, visual presentation and communication. Teams are docked points for broken links, copyright violations and information that are not sourced.


For many students this was their first time at creating web designs and gave them an early look at potential careers in this field. Teams submitted a design using the theme “Imagine a future made better by technology.”


MESA’s strong partnership with industry is a large motivator behind its success. Students are exposed to technical fields at an early age and learn that they have the potential to become engineers, mathematicians or scientists.


MESA is an academic preparation program that each year serves about 21,000 California pre-college, community college and university students who are educationally disadvantaged. Seventy-four percent of MESA high school graduates statewide went directly to college after graduation compared to 41 percent of all California graduates. Sixty percent of MESA students go on to math, science or engineering majors.


For more information about MESA visit