May 20, 2015
Danielle McNamara
(510) 987-0230

Press Release


A team of MESA students from Los Medanos College came in second overall in the program’s sixth annual statewide Math Challenge.


Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) conducted the 60-minute test that is modeled after the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges’ Student Math League test. More than 160 MESA students in teams of five or more participated from 20 MESA community college campuses.


The Los Medanos MESA center will receive a plaque for the achievement. The goal is to expand the contest to more MESA community college centers each year and build a healthy level of competition between campuses to maintain or gain the title.


“This is a productive and educational way to instill team building and competition among MESA centers and individual students,” said Juanita Muñiz-Torres, MESA Statewide Director of Programs.


MESA is an award-winning academic enrichment program that provides educationally disadvantaged students with the tools to earn bachelor’s degrees in math-based fields. With tutoring, mentoring, study sessions, transfer counseling and study centers, MESA provides an environment that allows students to succeed and navigate the transfer system more easily.


MESA has programs in 36 community colleges. Ninety-nine percent of community college MESA students go on to four-year colleges as math-based majors.


For more information about MESA visit or on Twitter @MESASTEM.