August 4, 2010
Danielle McNamara
 (510) 987-0230

Press Release


Domingo Torres-Rangel and Evelyn Torres-Rangel, a married couple and fellow math teachers from Gabrielino High School in San Gabriel, received a dedication award from a nationally recognized math and science program.


Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) honored the Torres-Rangels for their outstanding work in assisting educationally disadvantaged students to excel in math and science. The Torres-Rangels were selected from among MESA teachers representing 120 high schools in California. Each has been a MESA advisor for more than 25 years.

Affectionately known as the TRs, they serve students through the California State University Los Angeles MESA center.


“The TRs are a true example of what (co-founder) Mary Perry Smith envisioned for MESA at its inception, creating an outlet for educationally disadvantaged students to grow and shine in ways they never even may have dreamed or imagined in the (math, science and engineering fields),” said CSU LA MESA Director Thelma Federico.


Almost 50 percent of the Torres-Rangel’s students participate in the free/reduced price meal program and almost a quarter are English language learners.


MESA is an academic preparation program that serves more than 20,000 California pre-college, community college and university students who are educationally disadvantaged. Seventy percent of schools served by MESA are among the lowest-performing in the state. Almost two-thirds of MESA high school graduates go on to college as math, engineering or science majors. In 2001, 14,000 California jobs requiring science or engineering degrees went unfilled, making award-winning programs such as MESA an imperative. MESA is administered by the University of California.


For more information about the Torres-Rangels contact Thelma Federico at (323)343-4565. For more information about MESA visit